Grading made collaborative
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How it works
Teacher createsan assignment
Students submittheir solutions
Students gradeeach other's work
Teacher assignsfinal grades
How it helps
- Benefit from the feedback of your peers
- Learn from the solutions submitted by others
I have been using CrowdGrader in my classes for several semesters now. It is a life-saver, helping me cope with large student numbers that would otherwise consume significant amounts of teaching-assistant-time (that I'd prefer to use in different ways). Without CrowdGrader, we would not be able to sustain our curriculum in its current form but rather would have to shrink it significantly. To the existing testimonials, I'd like to add that the CrowdGrader support, specifically Luca de Alfaro, who I have been working with, is stellar. He was able to solve any problem I had quickly and fully, even while in free fall on the Double Black Diamond slopes of Lake Tahoe's skiing areas. read more
I've used CrowdGrader in two courses so far, allowing me to assign essay questions for 15 case studies to more than 50 students. Without CrowdGrader, it would have been impossible to evaluate so many essay responses and it would have been necessary to limit the scope of the class. Luca de Alfaro, the founder, was always very responsive to my questions and requests. read more
CrowdGrader has fundamentally changed the way I teach. Before, assigning classes of 80 students writing assignments due before each class period was a tactical and grading nightmare. Now it ensures that the vast majority of my students show up to class having read, processed, and analyzed the assigned readings. Moreover, the peer grading process requires that students continue to think about the material after the class period and provides students who didn’t do the reading before class an incentive to get caught up so that they can gain some points by accurately grading their peers’ work. Using CrowdGrader for writing assignments is particularly helpful for large and diverse classes because it allows students to:
1. learn how their peers approached the same topics,
2. improve their writing skills through both peer feedback and observing the varying quality of their classmates’ memos, and
3. develop the skill of providing helpful evaluations of others’ work.
Additionally, CrowdGrader is easy to use and Luca, the creator, is incredibly helpful if you have questions or suggestions for improvement. read more -
CrowdGrader was an excellent addition to UC Berkeley's course on the social implications of computing. The system was great, and peer grading really works. Our students took their essay assignments seriously, completed their peer reviews, and provided useful comments to each other. read more